Just about Maggie

Created by Jeanette 2 years ago
Although Maggie was from the Liverpool, Bradley/Graham side of our family, we were close because our dad and her mum were and family visits from and to Scotland were quite regular. Our family had moved to England when Maggie’s mum died and she moved in with us when she was 16 showing her independent, opinionated and not afraid to take risks lineage. Before she embarked on her SRN nurse training at Doncaster Royal Infirmary encouraged by our mum and dad, she was  part of our Bothamsall crowd, and we would dress up in our weekend hippie gear of beads and flowery ensembles. Maggie was always a good crafter and when the blue corduroy skirt I had insisted I needed to make in school needlework class was abandoned unfinished, she rescued it, finished it and wore it well. Maggie and I had huge loud discussions and disagreements, particularly on our socialist beliefs but we were always friends. She became a nurse, she lived in a Kibbutz in Israel, she went to university as a mature student, married Arthur, settling in Northampton, having 3 children she was immensely proud of George, Jack and Maud, she became mayoress with Arthur as mayor and worked hard within the Health Service in various positions including commissioning manager for children she had her own consultancy business and was always on hand to support her siblings. Maggie fought cancer in various forms over the last 10 years  with courage and dignity. She was a free spirit and loved wild water swimming.  My last quality time with her was in August 2019 when she came for the weekend and we spent a lovely day at the peaceful Serenity Spa but there were whole family get togethers during that year too at my sister Shirley’s with my dad, Jacqueline and Ian plus some, where there was the usual noise and laughter.  Arthur would often take refuge in another room but Maggie was in the fray with us.  We are gathering in Northampton on Thursday 20th January to say goodbye to our lovely cousin and we know she is now without pain and flying free. We  love you Maggie - The Scottish Bradley Clan Xxx